Monday, October 28, 2013

Getting stronger mentally and physically.

So Friday, I went and did the Glow Run with Amanda Brown. It was a cold night, but fun, I lost her in the crowd. It was so packed. She was battling her own ankle injuries, she completed the run though. Super proud of her..I did run the 5k according to my Nike app 32.40, and it said I actually ran 3.16. Not too bad. My legs hurt afterward. I took a couple days off and then went out and ran 7.1 miles today. I met some new PR's for me. I hit the 5 mile mark in 55:39, and my fastest 10k in 1:08:47. My legs hurt, mostly had crampy calves. Total time for the 7.1 was 1:19:43 seconds. I was super excited about that.
Got to see what our Marathon Relay Medal will look like. Time is ticking and soon all of our team will be earning that medal.  Amanda  Brown, Dawn Pohlen, and Donna Damiano and I will have done a first. :)
Pics, are from the Glow Run.
Happy Running Everyone. Remember, keep having fun and every run is some kind of progress. Oh and be sure to use anti-chafe glide when going for those longer runs. You don't think you will chafe, but you will, in those unknown places. You won't feel it until you hit the shower, buttocks crease, undersides of breast, thighs and even where my sports bra loops under my armpits.  Today's advice is brought to you by the case of sweaty booty crease. :) that I kept from chafing due to my glide.  Just keeping it real folks.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Personal Record set...twice this week

Super excited. This week I set two personal records. On Tuesday I ran 6.1 miles in 1:11:02seconds with an average pace of 11:37. I ran my first 10k this last January in 1:18 minutes. I have realized that I am making progress. I was so happy to see this.
Today was even better. I ran a time that I have not run in years. I ran 4.1 miles in a 10:08 second pace.  I hit the 2 mile marker at 20:30 seconds and picked up the pace at the turn around. I hit 3 miles at 30:08. I was so happy to hear that as I was under my Marine Corps standards of 31 minutes.  Not my fastest that I ran in the Corps but here I am 17 years out from my enlistment day and I ran a 30:08. I continued on finishing the last mile with the thought that I wanted to run 4 miles under 42 minutes and by the grace of God, I did. I ran it in 41:40. I am on cloud nine.
To think I was going to not run today as I was tired and crabby. School has been stressing me out but I got out there and I did it. I talked to myself the whole way. Building myself up for  a strong finish. Little over 2 weeks until the Marathon Relay, with Dawn Pohlen, Donna Damiano, and Amanda Brown. Each have been battling there own injuries during training. This will not be about winning any awards but doing the best we each can do and finishing. I am proud of them all for their hard work and for doing this race with me.
Tomorrow is the Glow Run. super Excited for it.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Rest day

so Amanda and I ran yesterday and we ran about 2.5 miles with a pace of around 10:40. Pretty good for both of us. Then the shin splints kicked in. I had run three days in a row. My body was telling me it was time to rest. We walked the rest home, which equaled over 3miles. I iced my shins and knew I was not going to run today. I also took my girls on a walk at Blackwater Trails. I think that will be my new long run track. It's  nice place to run.
got my tutu for the GlowRun next week. I'm super excited about it. The marathon relay is fast approaching. Next week I will have to either hit 5.5miles or 6, what ever my body is telling me to do.
Ate unhealthy today for the first time in a month and man oh man do I feel icky. Now I know why I don't need to eat shitty food.
I doubt I'll run tomorrow too as I think two days of rest is good and I will get some exercise walking at work. I will probably run again on Saturday morning.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Set your mind to it and go for it.

Sometimes you just have to set your mind to it and go for it. I was exhausted after working all night. I even had to drink a cup of joe to get out of the sleepy doldrums.  On the drive home I had a conversation with myself and said I out loud, "you will run 5 miles today' 
I got home and realized how nice out it was. It was sunny yet still cool. I got dressed, taped up my legs, put on the sleeves and went to find my phone. Wouldn't you know it, my ear buds were missing. The ones I normally use died during the Color Run on Saturday.  I had to run over to Kmart and pick up some more.  I did some speed walking in Kmart to count it as my pre warm up. Got to fit it in where you can, when you can.
Hit the road.   I hit about 3 miles in and I could feel that ache in my legs, my calves to be exact.  I knew it was lactic acid build up. I stopped and walked for about 15 -20 seconds then I stretched. I felt better after that. I could now feel the warmth in my legs. I just kept going and enjoying that sweet pumping music.
I could feel that my body had slowed down I the 3rd mile. When I hit mile four, I stopped and stretched again. I looked at the paused timer. It said  48:48 seconds. It meant I had less than 12minutes to finish this 5 miler. It was part of my original goal.  I kicked it into high gear. At one point it said that I was running a 9:07 pace. I was ecstatic. I wanted that under 60minute 5 miler.
I was getting so close.  Then the crap cramp brigade started in my gut.  I kept going. I was trying so hard to NOT crap myself.  Ugh, that damn cup of coffee screwed me over. Anyone who knows me, knows that coffee is my natural laxative.  I hit the 5 mile mark at 1:00:55 hh/ss.  I was so disappointed, but kept running. I ended up running 1:03:53sec for grand total of 5.25 miles.
Today, I made my goal distance. I almost made my goal time. It's okay. I got out their and ran today, did you?
One last excited thought for the day, I am registered for the GlowRun. I am so excited and Amanda Brown and I are going to pick out some awesome outfit gear on Thursday. My friend Brit is going to be there too.
Loving life.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Sometimes you stop the training just to have some fun

Today, I ran a 5k run just for fun. The Color Run in Mobile Alabama with Amanda Brown.
It was so fun. I think we walked a 5k just to the starting
We had discussed just walking it, but for some reason, I don't know if it was her idea or mine, we started running. She did fabulous today. We did stop to smell the roses as you might say, or to get blasted with Color but it was all in the name of fun.
My shins hurt some, but I hadn't really planned on running too much so I didn't tape nor wear my compression sleeves. I wore something entirely different. :) We ran the 5k in 40:39 seconds at a 12:25 minute pace. Slow, fun and several stops the color stations.
Tomorrow, God willing, I will be hitting a 5miler. Time's a ticking for our Marathon Relay, less than a month a way now. I hit 4.5 miles last week so time to up the anty.
Making some dinner and future plans on our outfits for the Blizzard Run. Can't wait. Fun runs relief some of the training stress.
Pics  and a "celebratory completion dance after ColorRun" video to follow. Hope you enjoy and have a blessed day. Today is great because I ran, did you?

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Interval runs today

Didn't sleep well last night, then had to get up and go do some precepting for my BSN classes. Still was exhausted when I returned home, but got out there and put some mileage in. I decided to do some interval training after reading a snippet from Women's Running Community - WRC's.  A woman reported her run time was not really any different when she ran a full length 10k versus when doing it with run/walk intervals. Then I started reading the responses to her post and learned of the Galloway Method, as in Jeff Galloway. Today, I decided to see how it went.  I did run 1. 25 miles, walked a minute and then ran again. I noticed my pace after taking the break walking was anywhere from 7:50 to 10mins. I was moving a lot faster when I was running. I ended up running 3.01 miles in 33:28 today with an overall pace of 11:04. I was shocked. I may have to give this more thought. I do have to say that my shins flared up today pretty good.  I only wore my compression sleeves. I now know that I must wear KT tape and compression sleeves together to get optimal results. 
Color run is this Saturday. 3 days and a wake up:)
I am learning  new things as I go along on this quest to PICK UP THE PACE. Next week my goal is to have a long run of 5 miles. I hope I can succeed or should I say, I know I will succeed.
Signing off for now, as I am super tired still. I did not get the endorphin high after today's run for some reason, perhaps because I pushed myself hard during my run intervals?
Have a great day everyone.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Positive Mental Attitude

I got up today at 5:50 to get my youngest on the bus. She gets on the bus at 630. You'd think I would go run after that, but I am soooo not a morning person. I have to wake up first.  So I applied my KT tape to my shins and put my compression sleeves on my calves and laid down on the couch until about 7:30.
It was a little more chilly out than it has been which is fine with me. The only thing I have to do is take a puff on my inhaler because the cold weather can make me wheeze some.  I had it in my mind to do at least four miles. Now, I have been doing about four miles last few days but have had to stop and walk some. Today's goal was to not walk any.  I started off with a nice little tune from John Newman "Feel the Love."  It starts off a little slow but builds. I love it.  I use to listen to some hard rock when I ran but found that I really pick up my pace better with some upbeat R&B tunes.
Today's list was Kelly Clarkson's "Stronger",  Nero "Promises", Miley Cyrus "We can't stop", Icona Pop "I love it" Justin Timberlake and Madonna "4minutes", Rhianna "where have you been" and Calvin Harris and countless others.   I honestly couldn't make a run without some nice tuneage. I give some props to the people who run with out it. I have to tune out my breathing.
The sun was shining but it was so cool out, I even wore my ear warmer.
I was a little slower than I had hoped to be but damn it I not only ran 4 miles, I ran 4.51 miles without stopping for a break. It makes a huge difference when you talk yourself up. If you whine to yourself in your head, then you can convince yourself to give up. Today I talked to myself and kept saying "you can do this. You ran a half marathon for Pete's sake, four miles isn't but a drop in the bucket"
Lo and behold, I got back to my house and ended my Nike app at 4.51 miles in 51:38 seconds with an average pace of 11:27.  My splits were 1st mile 11:23, 2nd mile 11:31, 3rd mile 11:49  and my 4th mile 11:32.  Not bad for trying to get my endurance back and still trying to PICK UP THE PACE.
Great day to be a runner. I will leave you with an image: running hurts
 this is me icing the shins down and my KT tape still in place and my compression sleeves on. I like to ice them down so my legs aren't swollen while trying to take my sleeve off.  In Kelly Clarkson's words :"WHAT DOESN'T KILL YOU MAKES YOU STRONGER, STAND A LITTLE TALLER, MAKES YOU FIGHTER"  :)
Have a great day everyone.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Rest Day

So today, I forced myself to have a rest day. It is just as important as training as those sore muscles need to heal. My house smells of bengay. My husband hates it, my girls and and I, we love it.  My calves and ankles and the tops of my feet are tender.  I carb loaded tonight for my run tomorrow. I made homemade healthy version of lasagna. The recipe I got off of Pinterest.  I am so addicted to that site.  I get motivation from Pinterest and running techniques. 
I am going to have to run at least a 4 miler to pass Holly Deguzman up. Holly and I have a friendly competition going on our Nike running app.  She passed me up today. I met Holly at my job. It's funny how runner's connect to one another.  We gravitate toward each other.  I found a few others at my new job who love to run as much as myself.  So here is a shout out to my good friend and co-worker Holly for helping motivate me with our friendly competition.
Amanda texted me tonight. I am so proud of her. She ran 25 minutes on the treadmill without stopping. For her, it's a huge accomplishment. She was using a training app that had her alternating running and walking. She has progressed wonderfully.
Donna, that girl is nuts. She got up at 3am for her run. I love running but I don't know if  I could get up out of bed that early.  Props to her. I do much better getting off work and going right to it. My after work runs are in the morning as I work night shift.
Kelly is starting her Couch to 5k training again. So glad to hear it.
As I have said, runner's gravitate toward each other. We can commiserate over our 'war wounds' aka, running pains.  We can give each other helpful tips.
Four days and a wake up until we do the ColorRun. I am excited for that. It's roughly four weeks until our marathon relay. I am excited to be a part of that.
Did I mention how I came to a decision to do a Marathon Relay?  I had read an article in a running magazine of a guy who asked his family to participate in a marathon relay as his birthday present. His wife and two sons thought he was joking. He was not. They agreed to do it and finished as a family. I had thought, 'how wonderful and fun does that sound?'  Then lo and behold, I find the Marathon Relay, a first for Pensacola. I enlisted some friends and voila, here we are. Donna, first leg, Dawn, second leg, Melissa, third leg, and Myself bringing up the rear. Amanda is going to help shuttle us from one point to another and to cheer us on. Super excited.
So I will sign off for tonight but leave you with two photos, me, moving slower than Timmy the Turtle and a much needed motivational slide.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Photos of my first race: the red faced one is after the first 5k run, the pale face one is before my first 5k. the half marathon with Erin Hamilton and most recently, Amanda Brown and I had fun snapping photos on our recent run together and met a new friend, Timmy the Turtle.
So here I am 35 and I have been running on and off for years, but most recently in the last year started getting a little more serious about it. I decided last year that if I actually registered for a 5k race and posted on Facebook about it, then I would be forced to complete it as I didn't want to be embarrassed.  I ran my first 5k race last December, RedNoseRun and had to walk some in the race but dang it, I crossed the finish line and felt happy. Tired, sweaty and sore, yet happy. I quickly decided I was going to run a 10k. I registered for PensacolaBeachRun 10k in Jan 2013. While in the middle of my training, I came down with the flu. I was wiped out for a week or two. My husband told me "I don't think you can do it." The race had an option to choose your mileage. If you didn't feel you could do the 10k you could turn off with the 5ker's.  I had gotten my friend Melissa Walters to register with me. It was her first run.  She turned off on the 5k route and I kept going.  I walked some in that race too but I finished it in 1:18mins. I was so slow. I almost passed out in a restaurant that I had stopped at to go take a crap. (Yes, running sometimes makes me have to crap so bad that I get physically ill. Embarrassing, but I know there are other runner's out there that have experienced this.) I also threw up on the ride home. My friend Mel, was on such a runner's high. Me, I was trying not to die. I decided even after being sick after completing that 10k, I was going to go for it and register for a half marathon. So, I did.  For me, it was just a sense of accomplishment to complete these runs. I hated running in the Marine Corps. I was slow and my mental attitude sucked.  It took everything out of me to complete a 3 mile physical fitness test run.  Ironically my fastest times were in the Corps, 27:00 minute 3 miles.  I can't seem to get back to that for the life of me.  Next race was the Pensacola Double Bridge Run.  I only did the 5k but it was tough. My running partner was again my friend Melissa.  Meanwhile, I was training for the half marathon. These short 5k runs were mini motivational runs to keep me on track with the half marathon training. Incidentally, I convinced my niece who ran cross country in high school, to fly down to Florida  to run this half marathon with me. She agreed.  We were training by ourselves, her in Ohio and me in Florida.  I next registered for the Circle k 5k run. It benefits children with cerebral palsey. Something that is close to me as my eldest daughter has a mild form of CP.  I gathered a group of running partners to run this race with me from work. I enlisted, Becky Shokoohi, Dawn Pohlen, Kelly Yeagley,  and my husband Scott Sprague.  It was so cold out that morning but I was proud of my friends and husband. They completed it.  Finally the month of the half marathon rolled around. I had suffered through horrible shin splint pain, foot pain (which I refused to go get checked out for fear it was a stress fracture) and colds that tried to hinder my training. It was four months long. I was not going to let these injuries and illnesses defeat me. I was up early with my niece and headed out for the run.  Erin did great. I had hoped to complete my run in 2:45 minutes. I, did not. I ran it 3 hours and 4 minutes. Yes, I had to walk some. I was overwhelmed with thirst. I will never again run those lengthy miles without a water belt. The thirst was awful.
      Where am I today??? I took a lot of time to recover. I would run sporadically here and there over the summer months. It was too hot out for me, plus I had lost my mojo for running.  I then gained some weight and decided, I had to get back on track.  So I started picking up running again.
      I have registered for several races for the upcoming fall, winter and spring months.  Training has reminded me of just how painful running is. It hurts.
       What hurts the most: posterior shin splints, my lungs from lack of air, my calve muscles, my hips and my feet.  Why do I do it?  I do it because I need to get better.  I am doing a marathon relay with my friends, Melissa, Dawn Pohlen and Donna Domiano.  We each will run a leg of the marathon, approximately, 6.55 miles each. I had let my running maintenance get so low, that I had to work from the ground up again. I currently am running 3-4 miles at anywhere from 11:00 min pace to 12:30. I am a snail. I hate it.
       What is my goal? To pick up the pace. I know I have endurance as evidenced by the half marathon, but I need to pick up speed. I hate running so slow.
       Races I am currently  registered for: ColorRun in Mobile Alabama, next run
                                                                  Pensacola Marathon Relay, November 10th 2013
                                                                  Pensacola Double Bridge Run 15k Feb 2014
                                                                  Gulf Coast Half Marathon April 2014.
        I plan on registering for the PBR 10k in Jan 2014 and finding a run to do in December 2013. These races are for training and motivation for that Gulf Coast Half.  I want to run a faster race. I am currently going to try my hand at some treadmill sprint workouts in hope that I can pick up the pace.
I have enlisted my friend Amanda Brown. She is running several races with me. She is a beginner runner and I watch her stride around the track and am envious at her open stride. I can't seem to get a better form.
       I am not a professional runner. I probably look like a hunched up snail running but I get out there and I do it.  I am suffering once again from shin splints, but I have invested in KT tape and compression sleeves. They seem to help. I finally am stretching after my runs too.
       Purpose of my blog, accountability and reflection for myself.