It was a little more chilly out than it has been which is fine with me. The only thing I have to do is take a puff on my inhaler because the cold weather can make me wheeze some. I had it in my mind to do at least four miles. Now, I have been doing about four miles last few days but have had to stop and walk some. Today's goal was to not walk any. I started off with a nice little tune from John Newman "Feel the Love." It starts off a little slow but builds. I love it. I use to listen to some hard rock when I ran but found that I really pick up my pace better with some upbeat R&B tunes.
Today's list was Kelly Clarkson's "Stronger", Nero "Promises", Miley Cyrus "We can't stop", Icona Pop "I love it" Justin Timberlake and Madonna "4minutes", Rhianna "where have you been" and Calvin Harris and countless others. I honestly couldn't make a run without some nice tuneage. I give some props to the people who run with out it. I have to tune out my breathing.
The sun was shining but it was so cool out, I even wore my ear warmer.
I was a little slower than I had hoped to be but damn it I not only ran 4 miles, I ran 4.51 miles without stopping for a break. It makes a huge difference when you talk yourself up. If you whine to yourself in your head, then you can convince yourself to give up. Today I talked to myself and kept saying "you can do this. You ran a half marathon for Pete's sake, four miles isn't but a drop in the bucket"
Lo and behold, I got back to my house and ended my Nike app at 4.51 miles in 51:38 seconds with an average pace of 11:27. My splits were 1st mile 11:23, 2nd mile 11:31, 3rd mile 11:49 and my 4th mile 11:32. Not bad for trying to get my endurance back and still trying to PICK UP THE PACE.
Great day to be a runner. I will leave you with an image: running hurts

Have a great day everyone.
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