Thursday, July 24, 2014

Took small hiatus

So I took a small hiatus from my blog but I am back.  I have been training for my first Marathon and it's so freaking difficult.  The heat and humidity here in Florida saps my energy and slows me down to a snail's pace.  It's so hard to not feel defeated. I never thought that I would have second thoughts about whether I could complete this race, but yet here I am doubting myself.
Today I tried to log 10 miles and it was not a successful run. I had to walk a lot more than I thought I would and I ended up only doing 9 miles. My pace was so slow I am embarrassed by it.
Not to mention that I have had the post runner's trots since I finished the run. I forgot to take my immodium before I ran like I started doing.
Well here is to hoping that I can continue on this course injury free and start doing better.
I have taken some great snap shots of the beautiful scenery while running. I will upload them.
I seen a deer the other day on my trail but I couldn't snap a shot quick enough.  Secondly there is a trail where my hubby and I went camping and we hiked it. I may try running it in the future.
Turtle that I helped move off the trail

My beautiful trail

Post run flowers and me resting

More flowers found on my trail

Flowers on the trail

I visited Ohio in June and ran around the reservoir with my running partner, Ollie. This was him and my two girls Hannah and Hayleigh post 6 miles, getting our feet wet.