Thursday, March 20, 2014


Today I got out and ran a 5 mile run. A decent distance finally after my surgery and poor comeback last week.  I felt very light on my feet today, and yet my chest felt heavy and tight but I didn't care. It was absolutely beautiful out, and the perfect temperature, 55 degrees.
I am hoping all is not lost for the half marathon I am to run April 13th. I have 3 weeks to get some of that endurance and distance back. I understand now that time is not going to matter. Of course I would so love to run a PR that day but I have been hindered a bit.
Today I am thankful to be able to run no matter the distance or the speed. I was reminded of that after I watched a wounded warrior on my beloved trails, in his racing bike pedaling like a demon with his arms. It couldn't have come at a better time as I was slowing down in my fourth mile. The left side of my lower back ached so bad, whether from the left over pesky kidney stone or just muscle fatigue in my back I don't know, but I realized that I am grateful.
I finished with a distance and time I can be happy and thankful for.  After run thankful for my sweat photo.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

First Run After Surgery

Yesterday I had the pleasure of returning to running after almost a month off due to kidney stone extraction surgery.  Omg was it slow going and further more, I feel like I lost a lot of progress.  This week is solely devoted to getting the legs pumping again. Starting Sunday, I have exactly 3 weeks left until my half marathon. I was up to running 10miles and now I can barely run 2. I am so disheartened but I am also determined to get myself up there without injury.
I ran yesterday 2 miles, today was a little more with hill sprints. My shins ache a bit, but I am feeling good about being able to get out there. I think I will take tomorrow off and try to get out there and run at least a 4 miler on Friday.  I know it's all mental. I need some positive mental boosting.
Here are some past photos of me and my girls running on the trail. I put them up for a mental boost for me.