So I worked last night and with my training schedule I was due to run a 4 miler today. It was super cold, with the high of 30 degrees in sunny Florida, but the wind chill was frigid. I went against my better judgment and ran on the treadmill, which I have not done in I don't know how long. It was absolutely horrible. I hated every minute of it. My Nike app wouldn't log my miles correctly. What's worse was it didn't let me calibrate it either. I ran 3.05 in 31 minutes. My right shin had pains shooting up it while I was running. Every step I took on that t/dreadmill was painful. It took everything in me to make it three miles. I knew I should have listened to my inner running conscience. What should have been a great run as I took a few days off to rest my leg, was a killer run.
I have to give some serious props to my fellow treadmill runners. I don't know how you keep your mind sane while on that treadmill. I hit the 2 mile mark in 18:30 but then the last mile was complete crap. I have to keep in mind that I did get up and do it.
Tomorrow is rest day, and I am strictly adhering to this schedule unless there is a race going on, which I do have one on Saturday. I am running the Pensacola Beach Run, 10k. I am anxious to see how I do compared to last years race results.
I did not log my 75 miles. I am not ashamed to admit my defeat as I have been battling this pain. I am contemplating going back to the doctor's to see if they will do an MRI, just to ease my mind. Shin splints seriously have not hurt me this badly before, to the point that I am awake at night with pain and if I step a certain way shooting pains sometimes go running up the medial side of my shin.
Tomorrow, I believe I will finally break out my new bike, but I will have to bundle up. It's suppose to get down to 17 degrees tonight and only a high of 38 degrees.
REST, ICE, COMPRESS, & ELEVATING, at the moment,
to my treadmill running friends, you guys inspire me. keep up the good work. for myself, I will take to the pavement and enjoy the outdoor running and all the beauty that I get to see.
Happy running my friends.
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