Have you ever taken a rest day or days and find that the first run back out there seems to be a good one? You feel like you have endless energy. I did that today.
In the quest for a better half marathon time, I am strictly adhering to my rest days and yesterday was one. I didn't really feel the urge to go run today as it has been cold, may not be as cold as up north but for this Florida girl, 27 degrees is definitely cold. I finally was able to get out there after it warmed up a bit and was able to do 8 miles without any shin splint pain. I was super thrilled about that. I stopped off at my drinking fountain to get a sip of water and it wasn't working. My guess is, it was so cold the water froze up in the fountain. Man was I thirsty.
I seen a red fox while running my trails, and came across a squirrel and it scared the crap out of me. I love the natural scenes I see when running. Definitely don't get that with dreadmill running.
3 days and a wake up and it's the Pensacola Beach Run. Melissa Walters is running it with me. It'll be nice to see her catch the high again.
School started back this week and I have homework to do.
Happy Running from this snail runner here.
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