Sunday, January 12, 2014

running in wind and rain

So yesterday Melissa and I headed out to our race. It was her anniversary race. One year of sporadic running. She ran the five k while I did the 10 k. We were excited to be able to run this race. It was the first race I convinced her to ever run. She started chickening out but after verbally slapping her around, she came to her senses. I lost her right from the start. Things,were going good for me in t I'll I hit 4 miles in. The rain kicked up hard core. Stinging  windy, whipping rain, slows you down a lot. I felt like a bird trying to fly against the wind as nd getting no where. It was pelting me in the eyes. I knew I was moving slow but I felt so heavy and felt pushed back from the wind.  I was never so happy to see that finish line. Ran it in, with time of 1:12 minutes..slower time for me but considering the elements, oh well.
But we did it.
Next up Pensacola Double Bridge Run. 15k
First two pictures are from our Pensacola Beach Run race this year2014, the last one is from the same race 2013. Notice how I look like I'm dying in last year's. Notice the difference in the weather too.

Happy Runnin

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