Friday, November 1, 2013

Running in the RAIN

So I am in school for my BSN and one of my classes seems to be a bit more frustrating than the others.  Today, after being some what under the weather, having absolutely ZERO sleep, battling frustration related to school work, I decided to run in the rain.  I went out to Blackwater trails and had a thought in my head that I was only going to do 3 or 4 miles and that it wasn't going to be any PR run, it was to just get out there and de- stress. 
I thought I was moving so slow, when my NIKE app announced I had hit my first mile in 10:51. I was so excited that I was moving faster than I thought. I then moved into my second mile. I can tell you that the smell of the rain on that beautiful forestry landscape was wonderful. It almost smelled like cinnamon to me.  I hit 2 miles at 20:59. I kicked it in to high gear. I don't know what I was thinking other than, I wonder how fast I can run a mile in.  At one point I looked at my NIKE app and found that I was running a 7:48 second pace.  I hit mile 3 at 29:55. MY 3rd mile pace average was 8:56. I was in complete shock. I knew I couldn't hold out that pace much longer so I slowed it down. My goal was to make the 4 mile mark under 40 minutes or just at 40 minutes. Ladies and gentlemen, I did it. I ran 4 miles in 39:57. Close, but dang it, I did it.
I stretched it out and headed home.
More great news, my youngest came home from school and made top reader of the week in her class again. She also made Bulldog of the month. She was super happy about that.
I have found more friends who run. It is so motivating to me to be able to discuss running and running techniques with my friends.  My friend Melissa Clark is a running nerd like me.  I gave her a list of races I have signed up for the next several months. We are contemplating doing a triathlon. I know I won't be doing an ultra, but a half ironman triathlon I would love to give a whirl.
For the half triathlon it's 1.2 mile swim, 56 miles biking, and 13.1 running. It will be a long training session if we decide to do it.
9 days until the Marathon Relay: Dawn Pohlen, Donna Domiano, and Amanda Brown. I am super excited to know that Melissa Walters is going to cheer us on and my husband and kids will be there as well.
Well I am getting back to homework. I will sign off saying:
Run while you can, run when you can, and run what you can. Happy running my friends.

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