Monday, October 14, 2013

Set your mind to it and go for it.

Sometimes you just have to set your mind to it and go for it. I was exhausted after working all night. I even had to drink a cup of joe to get out of the sleepy doldrums.  On the drive home I had a conversation with myself and said I out loud, "you will run 5 miles today' 
I got home and realized how nice out it was. It was sunny yet still cool. I got dressed, taped up my legs, put on the sleeves and went to find my phone. Wouldn't you know it, my ear buds were missing. The ones I normally use died during the Color Run on Saturday.  I had to run over to Kmart and pick up some more.  I did some speed walking in Kmart to count it as my pre warm up. Got to fit it in where you can, when you can.
Hit the road.   I hit about 3 miles in and I could feel that ache in my legs, my calves to be exact.  I knew it was lactic acid build up. I stopped and walked for about 15 -20 seconds then I stretched. I felt better after that. I could now feel the warmth in my legs. I just kept going and enjoying that sweet pumping music.
I could feel that my body had slowed down I the 3rd mile. When I hit mile four, I stopped and stretched again. I looked at the paused timer. It said  48:48 seconds. It meant I had less than 12minutes to finish this 5 miler. It was part of my original goal.  I kicked it into high gear. At one point it said that I was running a 9:07 pace. I was ecstatic. I wanted that under 60minute 5 miler.
I was getting so close.  Then the crap cramp brigade started in my gut.  I kept going. I was trying so hard to NOT crap myself.  Ugh, that damn cup of coffee screwed me over. Anyone who knows me, knows that coffee is my natural laxative.  I hit the 5 mile mark at 1:00:55 hh/ss.  I was so disappointed, but kept running. I ended up running 1:03:53sec for grand total of 5.25 miles.
Today, I made my goal distance. I almost made my goal time. It's okay. I got out their and ran today, did you?
One last excited thought for the day, I am registered for the GlowRun. I am so excited and Amanda Brown and I are going to pick out some awesome outfit gear on Thursday. My friend Brit is going to be there too.
Loving life.

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